Colon Hydrotherapy

A healthy body starts with a clean intestine
A deep intestinal cleansing through hydrocolontherapy, healthy nutrition and adequate physical activity are the ideal prerequisites for a good quality of life.
It is a deep and complete colon cleansing, obtained by irrigation of thermalized water and a manual massage on the abdomen. It is a natural therapy, without the use of medicines, which does not cause pain or spasms.
Chronic constipation is one of the main causes why people undergo this treatment. Meteorism and irritable bowel follow. Other less common pathologies may be:
- Chronic colitis;
- Hemorrhoids and diverticulosis;
- Intestinal parasite infections and mycosis;
- Adjuvant in vascular diseases of the lower limbs
Good results are also obtained in the treatment of respiratory and food allergies and in the case of skin diseases. Considering the great detoxification that is obtained, hydrocolontherapy is also recommended as an adjuvant in the aesthetic therapy of cellulite and to improve the elasticity and brightness of the skin as an anti-aging.
The person lies down on the bed, after which an anatomical disposable speculum is introduced into the rectum connected to the medical equipment by a device that allows the passage of water and the subsequent removal of the residues.
In the two days before the treatment a diet of pasta or rice seasoned with vegetables; chicken, turkey or fish with cooked vegetable garnishes is recommended. It is advisable to drink at least two liters of water per day.
For two consecutive nights, before therapy, take a sachet of Psyllogel Fibra per day, one sachet of Benefibra per day, or one sachet of English salt per day. It needs to be dissolved in water to obtain an easy evacuation and with soft stools. Preparatory therapy should also be taken before each subsequent session. In the morning of therapy take a light breakfast of water, tea or herbal teas and any usual medications.
In case the session takes place in the afternoon, for lunch consume pasta seasoned with vegetables and a portion of cooked vegetables seasoned with oil and salt, drinking a lot of water.
In the days following treatment take lactic ferments such as Vitaflorene fialoidi one per day or, in the case of intolerance to milk, one sachet of Inuvital Plus per day for at least ten days.
Arrange the appointment and the frequency of subsequent hydrocolontherapies with your doctor.
The experience and results of research in this field suggest a minimum of five to a maximum of ten sessions over two - three months in the case of pathologies. Two sessions every three months are recommended for preventive purposes and for the wellbeing of the person.
In the intestinal mucosa the lymphatic and vascular system is the largest of the whole human body, with the task of neutralizing and then expelling harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and food toxins. Chronic deposits of non-explosed faecal material lead to a progressive poisoning of the whole organism, with a severe overload of the liver and kidneys. The consequences are deposit pathologies such as hypercholesterolemia and gout, but also:
Please note that the information provided on the website is for general information purposes and does not replace medical advice. It is advisable to consult your doctor before undertaking any treatment. The content of the website is purely informative and descriptive.
Information and booking
T. 0431 441111 –