National Health Service Conventions

Bibione Thermae has an agreement with the National Health Service in the PRIMA SUPER category for the treatment of the following diseases:
- Osteoarthritis and other degenerative forms
- Extra articular rheumatism
• Balneotherapy cycle (12 baths);
• Mud-balneotherapy cycle (12 mud sessions + 12 baths);
• Mud therapy cycle with flood shower (12 mud sessions)
- Consequences of chronic phlebopathy
• Treatment cycle for peripheral vasculopathies (12 baths with ozone hydromassage or hydromassage path, electrocardiogram, blood chemistry, doppler instrumental examinations)
- Vasomotor rhinitis (allergic and non-allergic)
- Chronic sinusitis
- Chronic catarrhal otitis
- Chronic pharyngo-laryngitis
- Tubal stenosis
• Cycle of inhalation treatments (12 + 12 of the following therapies on medical indication inhalations, nasal aerosols, oral aerosols, nasal irrigations, sonic aerosols, ionic aerosols and nebulizations)
• Treatment cycle for rhinogenic deafness (12 endotimpanic insufflations or crenoterapic politzer + 12 inhalation treatments and audiometric examination)
- Chronic rhinosine bronchial syndromes
- Simple or obstructive chronic bronchitis (excluding asthma and advanced emphysema, complicated by severe respiratory failure or chronic pulmonary heart)
• Integrated treatment cycle of controlled lung ventilation (12 lung ventilations, 12 aerosols, 6 inhalations);
• Inhalation cycle (12 + 12 inhalation treatments on medical advice).

Contracted care cycles provide treatments for 12 consecutive days in two weeks (excluding Saturdays from May to September and excluding Sundays in April, October and November); therefore it is not considered appropriate to admit to treatment, at the expense of N.H.S., those who do not intend to carry out the full course of treatment, for obvious reasons related to the overall therapeutic effectiveness.
During the whole calendar year it is possible to take advantage of only one cycle of contracted care, with the exception of particular pathological situations, therefore cycles of additional care are charged to the customer.
Customers who take a second course of treatment in the same year are entitled to the second free admission visit.
On the other hand, non-related examination or medical consultation is subject to a fee.
In order to benefit from the above mentioned courses of treatment, it is sufficient to show the prescription issued on the appropriate Regional recipes book by the family doctor or by the competent specialist of the National Health Service.
The prescription should indicate the diagnosis, the course of treatment and any payment exemption code if applicable. This prescription is the valid document for a contracted cycle of spa treatments, including the admission medical examination, with the payment of the ticket of € 55.00 or the fixed fee on the prescription for exempt people of € 3.10.
Contact us
T. +39 0431 441111 -