Wellness Area

Refined environments with an evocative atmosphere, designed for a total relaxation of mind and body. Explore the large wellness area of Bibione Thermae, designed to offer different spaces in terms of temperature and atmosphere, to stimulate specific reactions in the body and promote general wellbeing. The different zones, with variations of heat, humidity and atmosphere, favour beneficial effects on breathing, sweating and more, contributing to your overall wellbeing. In the relaxation area, surrounded by silence and dim lights, the comfortable water beds offer you a total rest, relieving tension and loosening the muscles thanks to the feeling of weightlessness. The sauna, enriched with aromatic essences, becomes a unique experience thanks to the masters of Aufguss who distribute fragrant steam with skill and mastery, transporting you on a relaxing and regenerating sensory journey.
Il seguente regolamento per l'accesso e l'utilizzo degli spazi, predisposto dalla Direzione, è affisso in bacheca all'ingresso degli spogliatoi.
Accesso e Orari
- Le Piscine termali e l’Area Wellness sono praticabili negli orari esposti al pubblico all'ingresso.
- È consentito rimanere all’interno solo fino a mezz'ora prima rispetto all'orario di chiusura dello stabilimento termale.
- In caso di elevata affluenza, gli ingressi possono essere temporaneamente chiusi. In tali giornate, non è consentito portare i passeggini all’interno dell’area Piscine, ma gli stessi dovranno rimanere all’interno degli spogliatoi.
- In caso di massima affluenza, potrebbe non esserci un numero sufficiente di lettini per tutti gli ospiti presenti.
Norme di Igiene e Sicurezza
- Prima di accedere alle Piscine termali e all’Area Wellness, si consiglia una doccia saponata.
- È obbligatorio indossare un costume da bagno e le ciabatte da piscina.
- È obbligatorio stendere un asciugamano o accappatoio sul lettino prima di stendersi.
- In Area Wellness è obbligatorio indossare il costume o il pareo, preferibilmente in tessuto non sintetico.
- Nelle piscine termali, è obbligatorio l'uso della cuffia.
- Nelle saune, è obbligatorio stendere un asciugamano sulla panca prima di sedersi, in modo che nessuna parte del corpo tocchi direttamente il legno.
- È vietato entrare in sauna con le ciabatte.
- I bagnanti devono essere esenti da malattie infettive, lesioni o condizioni considerate incompatibili con l'accesso alle piscine.
- È vietato l’accesso all’Area Wellness e alle Piscine termali alle persone non in perfette condizioni fisiche o igieniche.
- La Direzione può richiedere in ogni momento una visita medica di controllo.
Norme di Comportamento
- Non sarà consentito l'accesso o la permanenza alle persone in stato di ebbrezza o con comportamenti scorretti, sia in vasca che fuori.
- La Direzione si riserva il diritto di negare l'accesso a chi disturba la tranquillità e il decoro dell'ambiente. Inoltre, tali persone possono essere allontanate dalla struttura in qualsiasi momento, senza rimborso del biglietto.
- È vietato entrare scalzi o con scarpe da passeggio; sono obbligatorie ciabatte in plastica o gomma. Solo il personale di servizio può utilizzare scarpe da ginnastica.
- Sono proibiti tuffi, spinte, salti dai bordi, scherzi e la corsa lungo i bordi delle vasche.
- È vietato l'uso di pinne, maschere, materassini e oggetti di vetro o ceramica nell’area delle piscine.
- È vietato effettuare immersioni in apnea.
- All'interno delle saune non possono essere presenti più di 20 persone contemporaneamente.
- L’Aufguss viene effettuato solo da maestri di sauna autorizzati dalla Direzione.
Consigli di Utilizzo e Permanenza
- Si consiglia di non restare nelle vasche termali per più di 20 minuti consecutivi.
- Si consiglia di sostare in sauna per un massimo di 15 minuti.
- Per saune e cabine, seguire le indicazioni esposte e rivolgersi al personale per eventuali chiarimenti.
- È consigliato lasciare trascorrere almeno tre ore tra il pasto e il bagno in piscina termale.
- Nella zona relax, lasciare i lettini liberi da effetti personali per consentire una regolare rotazione degli ospiti.
Divieti e Restrizioni
- È vietato fumare in tutti i locali, terrazze comprese.
- È vietato effettuare foto e riprese video a terze persone in tutti i locali, terrazze comprese.
- Per mantenere il decoro, è vietato portare all'interno dell'Area Wellness grandi zaini, borse o borsoni.
- È vietato consumare cibi e bevande nelle aree adiacenti le vasche e nelle aree relax.
- È vietato portare alimenti e bevande dall’esterno.
- È vietato consumare alcolici all'interno dell’Area Wellness.
- È vietato versare acqua sulle pietre roventi; per questa operazione, chiamare il personale in servizio. È inoltre vietato versare oli essenziali o essenze diverse da quelle fornite dalla Direzione, per evitare rischi di allergie.
- È vietato portare nelle saune e nel bagno turco oli, sali, miele, prodotti e accessori di qualsiasi natura. È inoltre vietato introdurre bibite in contenitori di vetro o lattine.
Informazioni Aggiuntive
- La Direzione non è responsabile per danni o sottrazioni di oggetti personali portati o depositati negli armadietti.
- La Direzione declina ogni responsabilità per danni o incidenti provocati dall’imprudenza degli ospiti.
- Gli abbonamenti hanno validità di 12 mesi dalla data di acquisto.
- L'accesso all’Area Wellness è vietato ai minori di 14 anni.
- I bambini con un’età tra 0 e 3 anni devono indossare costumini contenitivi o pannolini specifici per piscine.
- Le indicazioni del personale devono essere rispettate; chi non rispetta le regole generali o il regolamento dello stabilimento può essere invitato a uscire senza rimborso del biglietto.
What to expect in the Wellness Area

Here you can rediscover your wellbeing with Aufguss rituals in saunas, scrubs in the Turkish bath, but also herbal bath, hypersaline bath, dry salt cabin, polarium, emotional showers, outdoor hydromassage and chromotherapy with water beds.

Come and discover the saunas of Bibione Thermae, in the heart of Veneto. Here you can experience the benefits of the Finnish sauna, a symbol of wellbeing, ideal to reduce stress and promote deep relaxation. The high temperatures of the sauna (90 º - 100 ºC) and the low humidity (10% - 15%) encourage intense sweating, helping your body to eliminate toxins and acids, improving skin elasticity and relieving muscle tension.
In addition to relaxing and detoxifying mind and body, the Finnish sauna stimulates metabolism, improves circulation and strengthens the immune system. You will breathe calmly and regenerate completely, thanks to the combination of heat, steam and total relaxation with showers and herbal teas. Discover the pleasure of relaxing with a unique and unforgettable sauna experience.
The aufguss or sauna ritual

Experience a unique ritual of physical and mental wellbeing by practicing the Aufguss, led by specialized Sauna Masters, known as Aufgussmeister. These experts pour water and/or crushed ice enriched with essential oils on the hot stones of the sauna, creating a fragrant cloud of steam that is spread in the environment through various wave techniques. The Aufguss, real sauna rituals, are an unmissable experience. These ceremonies, linked to the ancient Finnish tradition and widespread in German-speaking countries, combine the relaxation of the sauna with evocative spiritual rituals.
In the centre of these ceremonies there is the Aufgussmeister, a true guardian of wellbeing, who manages the heat and direction of the air, bringing physical and mental benefits with targeted movements. During the ritual, the expert pours water or ice on the glowing stones, creating striking effects in the fragrant steam through movements calibrated with a towel. By participating in these rituals, you will immediately feel an increase in body heat, improved circulation and accelerated purification of toxins, thanks to sweat and dilation of blood vessels. Join this fascinating ceremony in the sauna at the spa of Bibione and let yourself be carried away by the magic of these moments dedicated to your total wellbeing.

Steam room
Come and discover the exceptional wellness treatment of the Turkish bath at the spa of Bibione Thermae.
The Turkish bath, with a temperature of about 44 °C and a humidity of 100%, offers a unique experience enriched by the essences of natural herbs, spread in steam, which bring benefits to the respiratory system, promote sweating and purify the body, improve metabolism and give radiance to the skin. In addition, the Turkish bath helps to counteract insomnia, muscle tension and stress.
Immerse yourself in a cloud of steam while relaxing comfortably on marble benches in a large refined environment, with details of fantastic mosaics, to fully enjoy all the psycho-physical benefits of the Turkish bath. Don’t miss the scrub events with our Aufgussmeister.

Herbal bath
Come and experience the exceptional wellness treatment of the herbal bath at our spa. The herbal bath, with a temperature of about 42 ºC and a humidity of 100%, offers a regenerating experience enriched by the natural essential oils spread in steam. These beneficial essences provide numerous benefits to the respiratory system, promote intense and purifying sweating, improve metabolism, give radiance to the skin and help combat insomnia, muscle tension and stress.
Immerse yourself in this pleasant and relaxing experience, let yourself be enveloped by the healing properties of the herbal bath while enjoying a moment of complete wellbeing.

Hypersaline bath
Explore the spa treatment of the hypersaline bath at our spa and treat yourself to a moment of pure relaxation and regeneration.
The hypersaline bath is a special treatment that offers benefits for both the respiratory system and the skin. With a temperature of 50 °C and an air humidity of 60%, the environment is enriched by microparticles of crystalline salt sprayed.
These particles have antibacterial and revitalizing properties and contribute to the sanitization of the respiratory tract, the strengthening of the immune system and the relief of muscle tension. In addition, the heat promotes the opening of the pores of the skin allowing a deep elimination of toxins and better absorption of beneficial substances in steam.
The hypersaline bath is particularly indicated to prevent skin aging and to revitalize the entire body.

Dry saline cabin
Explore the dry salt cabin at the spa of Bibione Thermae and treat yourself to a unique experience of wellness and relaxation. This special cabin, lined with Himalayan salt bricks, allows you to breathe beneficial micronized particles in an environment with a temperature of about 27 °C. Thanks to the beneficial properties of salt, the cabin creates a pure microclimate that promotes relaxation and contributes to psycho-physical wellbeing. The backlit LED walls with chromotherapy create an evocative and relaxing atmosphere. The micronized sodium chloride inhaled during the session helps to ionize the air and rebalance the presence of positive and negative ions, giving you a moment of pure harmony and regeneration.

Explore the Polarium of Bibione Thermae for a regenerating and invigorating experience after a sauna or a herbal bath. The Polarium is a cool environment at 16 °C, flavoured with essences of menthol and eucalyptus to optimize the body response after the heat of the sauna or herbal bath. This small controlled thermal shock helps to invigorate the body and ensure a moment of pure relaxation. In the Polarium, illuminated by soft lights in sapphire tones that evoke polar atmospheres, you can enjoy a feeling of freshness while breathing slightly scented cooling air.

Emotional showers
Explore an immersive sensory journey for the skin, smell and sight at the Bibione Thermae spa, through our special emotional showers. These showers offer a unique wellness treatment, with spacious and comfortable cabins equipped with massage jets, balsamic aromas and chromotherapy, which regenerate mind and body in a few minutes. This sensory journey relieves accumulated tensions, purifying not only the body but also the spirit. The beneficial effects of the emotional showers are perfectly integrated with those of the sauna or Turkish bath, which can be practiced before or after this experience. Come and discover our emotional showers and treat yourself to a well-deserved break from everyday stress.

Outdoor thermal pool with hydromassage
Treat yourself to a moment of total relaxation immersed in the beautiful swimming pool with whirlpools at the spa of Bibione Thermae. Explore an extraordinary wellness experience, pampered by the thermal water with a breathtaking view of the pine forest and the sea. Our outdoor thermal pool, with water at a temperature of 33-34 ºC, is equipped with water jets and shower heads to offer you a pleasant hydromassage, ideal for relaxing the muscles of the whole body. You will be enveloped by the warm thermal waters in a welcoming and relaxing environment, perfect to regenerate physically and mentally. Take advantage of this moment of relaxation to reconnect with yourself, finding energy and vigor in a natural and suggestive environment.

Chromotherapy with water beds
The quiet atmosphere and the soft light of the relax area gently envelop the water beds, creating a perfect environment for rest and total relaxation. The feeling of lightness and weightlessness while relaxing helps to loosen tensions and relax the muscles in depth. During this moment of sweet abandon, you can completely immerse yourself in the relaxing coloured lights that characterize the practice of chromotherapy. These lights, wisely chosen to instill feelings of wellbeing and peace, add a magical and regenerating touch to the overall experience. Giving yourself this moment of relaxation means not only regenerating the body but also nourishing the mind and spirit, creating a harmonious balance between body and mind, to promote general wellbeing.
The thermal water of Bibione Thermae
The thermal water used by the SPA of Bibione is also recognized for its therapeutic properties by the Ministry of Health (Decrees n. 2918 and 2950 of 1996).