
The beneficial effects of the cold-hot are known since ancient times, modern technologies have allowed, through professional electromedical equipment, to create a real vascular gymnastics on tissues.
The medical device called "CRYO T-SHOCK" has a "Cryogenic" component that reaches -18 °C, which subtracts heat from the deep layers with an exogenous system and a "Hyperthermal" that generates heat up to +41° C. Using the two modes in a sequential way allows you to get a controlled, localized and deep thermal shock improving the pain threshold and restoring functionality.
Effects of Thermal Shock:
- Indirect analgesic action
- Increase of the microcirculation at the connective level
- Anti-edema and anti-swelling action
Physical therapy to be used as an adjunct to other rehabilitation treatments in case of:
- Muscle trauma
- Edema
- Musculoskeletal disorders (tendonitis, muscle injuries)
- Sprain
- In orthopaedic post-surgery (ligamentous reconstruction etc.)
- Tendinopathies
The information on the website in no case replaces the clinical advice provided by the general practitioner or specialist. The information on the website is for general information only.