MLS laser therapy®

laserterapia per la riabilitazione al ginocchio di un paziente donna. gamba polpaccio pelle

Lasertherapy MLS® is a new generation electromedical that uses laser energy for therapeutic purposes with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edema and biostimulation effects. The patient can overcome the acute phase of pain quickly and permanently with treatments that allow him to regain a better quality of life and resume, in a short time, work, sports and social life. 

Treatment times are short and vary depending on the area and the

Treatment is particularly indicated in cases of:

  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Arthrosis (rhizoarthrosis, gonarthrosis, etc.)
  • Disc hernias (sciatica-cruralgia)
  • Carpal/tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Bursitis- Capsulitis - epicondylitis-epitrocleite
  • Traumatic pathologies: tendinitis, bursitis, sprains, strains, bruises
  • Sport injuries
  • Post-fracture pathologies: Sudeck’s algodistrophy
  • Scars
  • Bruises

The information on the website in no case replaces the clinical advice provided by the general practitioner or specialist. The information on the website is for general information only.

Information and booking

Instrumental physical therapy: other therapies
