MLS laser therapy®

Lasertherapy MLS® is a new generation electromedical that uses laser energy for therapeutic purposes with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edema and biostimulation effects. The patient can overcome the acute phase of pain quickly and permanently with treatments that allow him to regain a better quality of life and resume, in a short time, work, sports and social life.
Treatment times are short and vary depending on the area and the
Treatment is particularly indicated in cases of:
- Rheumatic diseases
- Arthrosis (rhizoarthrosis, gonarthrosis, etc.)
- Disc hernias (sciatica-cruralgia)
- Carpal/tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Bursitis- Capsulitis - epicondylitis-epitrocleite
- Traumatic pathologies: tendinitis, bursitis, sprains, strains, bruises
- Sport injuries
- Post-fracture pathologies: Sudeck’s algodistrophy
- Scars
- Bruises
The information on the website in no case replaces the clinical advice provided by the general practitioner or specialist. The information on the website is for general information only.