Orthopaedic hydrokinesitherapy

idrokinesiterapia in acqua termale. fisioterapista e paziente in vasca con attrezzi

Hydrokinesitherapy is a methodology of specific rehabilitation exercises that exploits the beneficial properties of thermal water to encourage the improvement of the
musculoskeletal function in orthopaedic pathologies.

One of the advantages lies in the reduction of the gravitational effect during immersion in the therapeutic pool, it allows wide and free movements, reduces muscle effort and relieves the load on the joints favouring a rapid and painless

Orthopaedic hydrokinesitherapy is indicated in cases of:

  • Bruises
  • Fractures
  • Tendon muscle lesions,
  • Ligamentous reconstructions
  • Sprains
  • Dislocations
  • Consequences of arthroprotesis
  • Hernectomy
  • Vertebral stabilization
  • Osteoarthritis - osteoporosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

The information on the website in no case replaces the clinical advice provided by the general practitioner or specialist. The information on the website is for general information only.

Information and booking

Hydrokinesis: other treatments

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