Respiratory rehabilitation

Respiratory rehabilitation is a set of rehabilitation techniques and exercises aimed at improving the quality of respiratory biomechanics, thus allowing an optimal exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide at the lung level.
Respiratory rehabilitation brings the patient numerous benefits, acting on more
- It increases lung volume (amount of air injected into the lungs)
- It reduces the stiffness of the chest
- It improves the function of the respiratory muscles
- It facilitates the removal/expulsion of phlegm and bronchial residues
During the session, the physiotherapist sets several rehabilitation objectives, such as:
- Educate the patient on how to manage the disease
- Practice targeted exercises, adapted to the patient’s individual abilities, in order to improve physical endurance, muscle strength and exercise capacity
- Practice adequate respiratory therapy through techniques of mobilization of bronchial secretions through assisted cough or postural drainage techniques, aimed at improving airway clearance and lung ventilation, which are functional to a proper rehabilitation of the patient
- Psychological support to address the emotional and social aspects that the respiratory disease involves
- Lifestyle changes: advice on changes, such as quitting smoking, adopting a healthy diet and maintaining adequate body weight
The information on the website in no case replaces the clinical advice provided by the general practitioner or specialist. The information on the website is for general information only.