
Tecar therapy is an electromedical that uses the benefits given by radio frequency to stimulate the biological processes of the healing process of the body, providing a therapeutic effect from the first treatment sessions. The fundamental goal in the treatment of both chronic and acute pathologies is to simultaneously reduce pain and inflammation, accelerating the healing process of the tissues involved.
This electromedical, now in use for 30 years in physiotherapy, is considered extremely effective and versatile because, depending on the diagnosis, it can use different operating modalities such as:
CAPACITIVE TECARTHERAPY (suitable for surface tissues)
The reactions produced by the capacitive mode focus mainly on the soft tissues close to the glass ceramic electrode. Its design allows it to act as a capacitor of charges and obtain a localized increase of electro-regenerative energy on the area compromised by pain or functional impotence.
RESISTIVE TECARTHERAPY (suitable for deeper tissues)
The reactions produced by the resistive mode focus on the most resistant tissues to the passage of radiofrequency, such as joints, bones, ligaments and tendons. This mode, combined with manual and kinesiotherapy techniques, allows to concentrate the effects of electro-regenerative energy on the body during active movement exercises.

Tecar therapy is indicated in the cases of:
- Post-traumatic pathologies (muscle injuries, sprains, muscle distractions)
- Tendinitis, tenosynovitis, impingement syndromes
- Dermatology: scars and keloids
- Post-surgery of arthro-endoprosthesis
- Primary and secondary lymphedemas, venous stasis
- Neuro-vegetative syndromes (Suddek algodistrophy)
- Sports injuries
- Surgical or posttraumatic edema
- Muscle contractures
- Muscle fatigue even in the post-race
The information on the website in no case replaces the clinical advice provided by the general practitioner or specialist. The information on the website is for general information only.